Thursday, August 1, 2013

Why kids need vegetables...

Scientists say we need the the full range of vitamins and trace elements, but also carotenoids - lutein, lycopene, beta-carotene, zeaxanthin; flavonoids - anthocyanidins, flavanols, catechins, epicatechins, and the list of hard-to-pronounce compounds goes on...
This vast number of compounds are currently lumped under the generic term "antioxidants". But this terminology indicates one single mode of action when in fact we are referring to thousands of different chemicals, with vastly different chemical structures.  

Historically we looked at things rather differently, learning that form equals function with a sliced carrot resembling the human eye - pupil, iris and radiating lines - with carrots greatly enhancing the function of the eyes. Grapes form a cluster in the shape of a heart and each grape looks like a blood cell with research confirming that grapes are also profound heart and blood-vitalizing foods and so it continues through celery (bones), walnuts (brain), kidney beans (kidney), eggplant, avocados, pears (cervix and uterus) and figs (sperm health).

Then at the most fundamental level, we’re reminded to think red, yellow, orange, deep green, leafy, purple - and choose colours from the rainbow every day! Mum told us to eat our vegies, and now the researchers confirm how truly miraculous vegetables and fruits are in what they provide. If you want kids to eat their vegetables, get them started on growing their own, then enlist their help in the kitchen. In addition, you can boost their vegetable and fruit intake with simple to use, single dose sachet supplements of high potency fruits and berries from clean, green NZ orchards. 

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